An Early Look at OpenShot's New Timeline!
, .One of the most important features of a video editor is its timeline interface. The timeline allows users to arrange, trim, and position video clips over time. The next version of OpenShot will feature a new timeline, built from the ground up using modern web development technologies, such as HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript.
Keep in mind that this video is an early look, and is still missing many important functions. We will soon reveal improvements to trimming, audio adjustment, snapping, previewing, and placing transitions... so those are missing in this video demo, but coming soon.
If you like what you see in this video, please consider supporting OpenShot on Kickstarter!
OpenShot's New Timeline Demo from Jonathan Thomas on Vimeo.
Some of the new features demonstrated in this video include:
- Video thumbnails
- Audio waveforms
- Color indicator on edges of clips
- Multiple clip selection and arrangement
- Auto trimming tool when you hover over the edge of a clip
- Improved snapping
- Ability to skin with CSS
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